Bolivian Mustangs

In July 1954, the Fuerza Aerea Boliviana (FAB) received its first three Mustangs : two F-51D and one TF-51D. One of them was lost during the ferrying and was later replaced. In the following years, in the context of the Military Assistance Program led by the US to fight against procommunist guerrilla, more machines were delivered : eight F-51D that had previously served in Uruguay were delivered in 1960 and nine Cavalier Mustang II in 1967). Bolivia received a total of 25 Mustangs which it used in a single squadron until 1978 when they were partially replaced by T-33 jets.


Can you help us write this article ? We are looking for any data concerning the P-51 in Bolivian service : articles, photographs, records, etc. Thanks for your help.



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