You can now purchase P-51 Mustang prints on Mustang! Visit our shop to see the available models. More prints will be added in the days to come. Latest Prints: Site news As you can see, the site's looks have been modified. Nothing very fancy obviously, and it's actually more sober than it previously was. I'll soon be adding a shop to the website, where visitors will have the chance to buy prints of my profiles. Some more additions may be coming up in the weeks to come.
Welcome to Mustang! I've taken over the website and decided to host it on a subdomain of my main website, www.gaetanmarie.com. Most of what I'll be doing on this site will be adding new profiles. You might also notice a few other changes: new graphics, but also deletion of the forum as it was more spammed than used. Instead, I would recommend that anyone who has questions go to the MustangsMustangs forum or to the P-51 Special Interest Group. Questions will stand a better chance of finding an answer at those places. Although I don't have much time to spend on Mustang!, I'll try to keep updating from time to time. I will mostly be adding pictures to the Photographs section. I would also like to make a call to contributors: if you have technical material, wartime memories, research, or anything concerning the P-51 Mustang that you are willing to share with everyone, please drop me a line so we can set it up. Upcoming additions
Disclaimer If ever you believe some of the material on these pages is subject to copyright and should not be used, please contact me and I will remove it promptly. It is not my intention to breach anybody's rights. To the best of my knowledge, the photographs used on these pages are either wartime pictures with expired copyright or ones that have been released in the public domain. Please check here for more detailed explanations. Please note however that some of the material presented on these pages is subject to copyright: illustrations by myself, but also pictures and other material that have been shared by visitors. |
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